Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2017

Musically free fans and hearts is still one of the biggest and fastest growing social media platform for music lovers. A lot of users has gone famous through this platform just by making and posting fun music videos using their phones.

The most famous user earned millions and millions of followers and likes on their videos. And guess what, a lot of these users generated their followers using an online tool. These programs has been already in the internet since the breakout into fame of the musically app.

To get the same result, you may also try our most recommended app. Follow this link for the online musically fans and hearts


Friday, October 7, 2016

23 Fotos, die du nie wieder aus dem Kopf bekommst

Oh Gott!

Was du beim gucken des nächsten Star Wars-Films nicht mehr aus dem Kopf bekommen wirst:

Was du beim gucken des nächsten Star Wars-Films nicht mehr aus dem Kopf bekommen wirst:

Lucasfilm / Disney / Via

Genau wie das hier bei der kommenden Staffel Game of Thrones:

Genau wie das hier bei der kommenden Staffel Game of Thrones:

HBO / Via

Und auf jeden Fall das:

Und auf jeden Fall das:

Twitter: @Kitto29O9

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Schlechte Nachricht: Baby-Panda über Bord! - Die gute: Ihm geht's prima!

Hach, Pandas. So süß. So dumm.

Hallo! Hier sind 23 Baby-Pandas.

Hallo! Hier sind 23 Baby-Pandas.

Vcg / Getty Images

Diese Jungen, die in der Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurden, sind rund 10 Monate alt.

Diese Jungen, die in der Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurden, sind rund 10 Monate alt.

Vcg / Getty Images

Vcg / Getty Images

Rex features

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Friday, September 30, 2016

Dieser Typ hat seinem Kätzchen Mini-Pancakes gemacht und alle drehen durch

“Weil ich drei hatte, musste mein Freund Wilson auch drei haben.“

Chase Stout

Chase Stout

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Friday, September 23, 2016

23 Gründe, warum flauschige Corgis ein Geschenk des Hundehimmels sind

Flauschige Corgis sind die besseren Corgis.

Jeder weiß, dass alle Hunde in den Himmel kommen, aber wo KOMMEN Hunde eigentlich her? Nun, die meisten Hunde stammen von anderen Hunden ...

... kuschlig-flauschige Corgis jedoch steigen vom Hundehimmel herab wie kleine engelhafte Pustewölkchen-Hunde.

libbythefluffycorgi / Via Instagram: @libbythefluffycorgi

Das hier zum Beispiel ist Abbey. Sie ist im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes makellos.

corgiton_abbey / Via Instagram: @corgiton_abbey

Und das ist Maxine alias "Mad Max". Sie ist wunderhübsch.

madmax_fluffyroad / Via Instagram: @madmax_fluffyroad

SCHAU DIR DIESES GESICHT AN! Es ist die perfekte Mischung aus Niedlichkeit und Extra-Flausch. Ganz klar ein Geschenk des Hundehimmels.

sebastianthecorgi / Via Instagram: @sebastianthecorgi

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

23 Fotos, die alle Frühstückshasser meiden sollten

Ihr wisst ja gar nicht, was Euch entgeht.

Dieser Avacodo-Toast.

cleaneatingamy / Via Instagram: @cleaneatingamy

Diese Donut-Waffel-Kombo.

foooodieee / Via

Dieser Stapel Erdnussbutter- und Marmeladen-Donuts. / Via

Dieses indische Rührei.

dishoom / Via

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

14 Beauty-Tipps auf Instagram, die grenzgenial sind

So simpel, so mega gut!

Verwende eine Socke anstatt eines Beauty Blenders, um die Foundation zu verteilen.

Verwende eine Socke anstatt eines Beauty Blenders, um die Foundation zu verteilen.

Roll eine Socke zu einem Ball zusammen und tupfe die Foundation auf.

Schau Dir das komplette Instagram-Video hier an.

justdreamsof / Via

Überdecke graues Haar mit Mascara.

Überdecke graues Haar mit Mascara.

Hol Dir Wimperntusche, die zu Deiner Haarfarbe passt, und streiche leicht über alle grauen Stellen. Es sei denn natürlich, sie stören Dich gar nicht.

Schau Dir das komplette Instagram-Video hier an.

oliveskinbeauty / Via

Reibe Knoblauch auf Deine Nägel, um sie stärker zu machen.

Reibe Knoblauch auf Deine Nägel, um sie stärker zu machen.

Zerkleinere und schäle eine Knoblauchzehe und reibe sie auf Deine Nägel (vermeide Hautkontakt!). Nach 20 Minuten wischst Du den Knoblauchsaft mit einem feuchten Tuch ab.

Schau Dir das komplette Instagram-Video hier an.

yasminamina87 / Via Instagram: @yasminamina87

Benutze Vaseline und eine Einweg-Mascara-Bürste für weiche Lippen.

Benutze Vaseline und eine Einweg-Mascara-Bürste für weiche Lippen.

Peele Deine Lippen mithilfe von Vaseline, die Du mit einer Einweg-Mascara-Bürste zum Wegwerfen aufträgst.

Schau Dir das komplette Instagram-Video hier an.

shewearsmakeup / Via

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Thursday, September 15, 2016

これは誰の目? 目だけで女優を当てよう!【全10問】


from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

16 Gründe, warum wir am Ende aller Zeiten leben

Peak Menschheit.

Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der sich jemand freiwillig ein vom Dampfen inspiriertes Tattoo machen lässt.

Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der sich jemand freiwillig ein vom Dampfen inspiriertes Tattoo machen lässt.

Und in einer Welt, in der Leute ihr Handy in der Mikrowelle schmoren, weil sie glauben, so bei Pokémon Go cheaten zu können.

Und in einer Welt, in der Leute ihr Handy in der Mikrowelle schmoren, weil sie glauben, so bei Pokémon Go cheaten zu können.

Twitter: @thatguywilba

Leute haben aufgehört, eigene Fotos zu machen. Stattdessen machen sie jetzt Fotos von Fotos.

Leute haben aufgehört, eigene Fotos zu machen. Stattdessen machen sie jetzt Fotos von Fotos.

Dieses DVD-Regal ruft nach uns.

Dieses DVD-Regal ruft nach uns.

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Thursday, September 1, 2016

This House Hasn't Been Touched Since The '70s And It's For Sale If You Want It

A delightful time capsule of shag carpet perfection.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to live in '70s SHAG CARPET HEAVEN, well, check this out.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to live in '70s SHAG CARPET HEAVEN, well, check this out.

Matt Cuddy/Century 21 Cuddy

This yuuuuge house in Framingham, Massachusetts, is a total time capsule of 1970s glory.

This yuuuuge house in Framingham, Massachusetts, is a total time capsule of 1970s glory.

Have you ever seen so much lime green in your life?

Matt Cuddy/Century 21 Cuddy

"The original owner built the house and customized it and did all the decor in the early ‘70s," realtor Matt Cuddy told BuzzFeed. And even though the new owners have lived in the house for more than 20 years, they haven't changed a thing.

"The original owner built the house and customized it and did all the decor in the early ‘70s," realtor Matt Cuddy told BuzzFeed. And even though the new owners have lived in the house for more than 20 years, they haven't changed a thing.

So much wood paneling!

Matt Cuddy/Century 21 Cuddy

The curtains match the bedspreads perfectly.

The curtains match the bedspreads perfectly.

Matt Cuddy/Century 21 Cuddy

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Stellt sich raus: J.K. Rowling kann auch voll gut zeichnen

Die Harry-Potter-Autorin ist echt ‘ne Zauberin.

Ich glaube, wir sind uns alle darin einig, dass J.K. Rowling eine überragende Schriftstellerin ist.

Ich glaube, wir sind uns alle darin einig, dass J.K. Rowling eine überragende Schriftstellerin ist.

Außerdem ist sie ein lustiger, großzügiger und insgesamt wirklich toller Mensch.


Und wusstest Du, dass sie außerdem auch noch wirklich gut zeichnen kann?

Und wusstest Du, dass sie außerdem auch noch wirklich gut zeichnen kann?

Das ist ein Entwurf, den sie in den 90ern vor der Vollendung vom Stein der Weisen gezeichnet hat. Wie Du siehst, war Deans Name ursprünglich Gary.

JK Rowling / Via Twitter: @potterworlduk

Pottermore hat eine Handvoll nie zuvor gesehener Zeichnungen veröffentlicht... und sie sind ziemlich beeindruckend.

Pottermore hat eine Handvoll nie zuvor gesehener Zeichnungen veröffentlicht... und sie sind ziemlich beeindruckend.


Die Werke sind über die Jahre hinweg entstanden, wie zum Beispiel diese Quidditch-Szene.

Die Werke sind über die Jahre hinweg entstanden, wie zum Beispiel diese Quidditch-Szene.


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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Monday, August 29, 2016

29 Probleme, an die sich nur Leute erinnern, die vor 1989 geboren wurden

Kinder von heute = Weicheier

An der Plastik-Verpackung von CDs verzweifeln.

An der Plastik-Verpackung von CDs verzweifeln.


Wenn Du der einzige in der Klasse bist, der noch einen Walkman hat, während alle anderen schon einen CD-Player haben.

Wenn Du der einzige in der Klasse bist, der noch einen Walkman hat, während alle anderen schon einen CD-Player haben.

"Ah, ihr habt also alle schon einen CD-Player? Okay, ist ja bald Weihnachten."

Twitter: @QOstler

An einem warmen Tag auf Deinem aufblasbarem Sofa sitzen aber dann mit Deinem Schweiß dran festkleben.

An einem warmen Tag auf Deinem aufblasbarem Sofa sitzen aber dann mit Deinem Schweiß dran festkleben.

Dieses Geräusch. Bäh.

Flickr: rivet / Via CC-BY-NC-ND

SMS abschreiben müssen, weil der Speicher voll war.

SMS abschreiben müssen, weil der Speicher voll war.


Twitter: @90sdecade

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Here's New "Beauty And The Beast" Live-Action Photos To Get You Excited

The Beast is…blond?

Back in May we got our first glimpse into what Emma Watson will look like as Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.

Back in May we got our first glimpse into what Emma Watson will look like as Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.

Walt Disney Pictures

And now? Well, we've got a few more characters to get excited about, thanks to newly released images.

We all remember The Beast, and that luscious auburn hair...

We all remember The Beast, and that luscious auburn hair...

Walt Disney Pictures

...In the live action version we've got Dan Stevens as Beast, but this time with blond locks.

...In the live action version we've got Dan Stevens as Beast, but this time with blond locks.

Missing the tinge of ginge, TBH, but I'll allow it.

Walt Disney Pictures

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

13 Real Life Horror Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

You won’t sleep tonight or tomorrow night or the night after that. Just wave goodbye to your ability to sleep at all, really.

The Kissing Lady

The Kissing Lady

When I was little, I told my parents about a woman I would see in the bathroom at my house who I called the “Kissing Lady.” My mom thought it was just something my dad made up and vice versa. Eventually, they thought to ask one another about the story of the Kissing Lady and just about pissed themselves when they figured out that neither of them had made it up. I don’t remember her very well, but I do remember that she had long, dark hair and wore long dresses. That bathroom still gives me the creeps.

Submitted by Sebastián Gaspar.

(Another user asked Sebastián in the comments: “Why did you call her the “Kissing Lady”? He replied: "My mom asked when I was younger, and I told her, as though it were obvious, 'because she blows me kisses…'")

Bonciutoma / Getty Images

My Brother Wants To Play

My Brother Wants To Play

I really liked playing with Mega Bloks as a kid. I loved to build tall towers and then loved to smash them even more. One time, after tearing down one of my towers, I got bored and I went to ask my mom for permission to play outside. She said I could as soon as I went in and put away the blocks I left on the floor. I headed back towards my room, but when I got to the door, I looked in to see that my brother, who was a few years younger than me, was already picking up my blocks for me. He had turned the lights on, and was very focused on the task at hand. I went back and told my mom that my brother was taking care of it and she looked at me, then out the nearby open door for a moment before saying, “Your brother is outside playing.” I went back to my room and saw that nobody was there, the light was off, and the blocks were still scattered on the floor.

Submitted by Brenda Alejandra Dueñas.

Antonis Liokouras / Getty Images

He Came For A Visit

He Came For A Visit

I’ve suffered from sleep paralysis since I was 14 years old. If you’re not familiar, it’s a sensation of not being able to move (usually in bed) and being consciously aware of it. During one of my many episodes, I heard what sounded like someone entering my room, then felt them hugging me until my back began to hurt. I tried to get loose, but whatever was there got angry and growled at me. When I could finally move again, I had goosebumps all over my body and my back was in a lot of pain. I still have sleep paralysis, but I’ve never had a similar experience. I’ll never understand what it was that had a hold of me.

Submitted by Jesús Francisco León.

Thinkstock / Getty Images

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

FYI, A Lot Of Pop Stars Hate Their Own Iconic Songs

K, but can you just sing them for us?

Selena Gomez thinks "Come & Get It" sounds like a Rihanna reject.

Selena Gomez thinks "Come & Get It" sounds like a Rihanna reject.

Even though "Come & Get It" is a certified dance-floor bop and reached No. 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Selena Gomez told EW earlier this year she doesn't like performing her 2013 hit because it "doesn't sound like her song." Instead, Selena thinks the anthem sounds like a "Rihanna reject" (which it is!!!).

Ariana Grande hated "Bang Bang" after she first recorded it.

Ariana Grande hated "Bang Bang" after she first recorded it.

Yes, "Bang Bang" is technically Jessie J's song BUT that's only because Ariana originally "hated" the song. In an interview with Billboard, Executive VP of Republic Records Wendy Goldstein revealed that the top five Hot 100 hit was originally written as a solo Ariana track but the pop star ended up "hating" the song after she recorded it. (However, after she heard her vocals cut with Nicki's and Jessie's, she wanted the song back. 💀)

Lorde thinks "Royals" sounds like a 2006 ringtone.

Lorde thinks "Royals" sounds like a 2006 ringtone.

Even though "Royals" topped the Hot 100 for nine weeks, Lorde thinks her first global smash sounds like an old ringtone! Instead of paraphrasing her savage words about "Royals," here's Lorde's exact quote: "It sounds like a ringtone from a 2006 Nokia. None of the melodies are cool or good. It's disastrous. Awful." If the Lorde says so!

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

These Cookie Decorating Videos Are So Mesmerizing It's Insane

Is this really cookie decorating or magic?

Amber Spiegel, otherwise known as SweetAmbs, is a cookie decorator whose videos are so stinkin' MESMERIZING.

Amber Spiegel, otherwise known as SweetAmbs, is a cookie decorator whose videos are so stinkin' MESMERIZING. / /

She can — and has — made about every design under the sun, including this enchanting unicorn. And the video will soothe your soul:

Instagram: @sweetambs

Let out a calming sigh as you watch these delightful mini doughnuts being perfected:

Instagram: @sweetambs

These sunflowers look good enough to be in a bouquet, and watching them as they're created will calm you the hell down:

Instagram: @sweetambs

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

25 Facts That Will Destroy Your Worldview

Actually, make that your whole universe-view.

Let's start small... did you know that you can't hum when you hold your nose closed?

Let's start small... did you know that you can't hum when you hold your nose closed?

Go ahead. Try it.

Serdjophoto / Getty Images

Or that in France, people were still being executed by guillotine when Star Wars first premiered in movie theaters?

Or that in France, people were still being executed by guillotine when Star Wars first premiered in movie theaters?

Meaning: In 1977

Fotokon / Getty Images

How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

Aunt_spray / Getty Images

And Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of those Great Pyramids.

And Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of those Great Pyramids.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman / Via

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Friday, August 26, 2016

This Heartbreaking Photo Shows An Elderly Couple Who Were Forced To Live Apart

My heart can’t take it.

Anita and Wolf Gottschalk have been inseparable for 62 years. But now, due to failing health and an imperfect nursing home system, they've been forced apart.

Anita and Wolf Gottschalk have been inseparable for 62 years. But now, due to failing health and an imperfect nursing home system, they've been forced apart.

They got married in Germany in 1954, just three months after meeting. They later moved to Surrey, B.C., and started a family.

Now at 81 and 83 years old, Anita and Wolf both have health problems and have had to live 30 minutes apart since January.

Ashley Bartyik

According to their granddaughter, Ashley Bartyik, Anita has mobility issues and uses a pacemaker. Wolf has dementia and congestive heart failure, and he was diagnosed with lymphoma just this week.

According to their granddaughter, Ashley Bartyik, Anita has mobility issues and uses a pacemaker. Wolf has dementia and congestive heart failure, and he was diagnosed with lymphoma just this week.

"We were told he couldn’t return home to my grandmother," Bartyik told BuzzFeed Canada.

Wolf has been living in a transitional care home as he awaits a permanent bed in a subsidized care facility. Meanwhile, Anita has been moved into an assisted living facility.

Ashley Bartyik

They're trying to get Wolf moved into the same home as Anita, but he's been stuck on a waitlist for months with no help from health authorities.

They're trying to get Wolf moved into the same home as Anita, but he's been stuck on a waitlist for months with no help from health authorities.

In the meantime, family members take Anita to visit Wolf every other day and, every single visit, the couple cry when they see each other.

"He comes down from the elevator, and it happens every time," said Bartyik. "They break down in tears of excitement and sadness."

Ashley Bartyik

Never knowing when it could be the last time, Bartyik has been taking photos of their meetings. She posted one of the photos on Facebook and described the struggle of Anita and Wolf living apart.

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She called it "the saddest photo I have ever taken" and it's now been shared more than 6,000 times.

Fraser Health told the family that Wolf has been moved to a priority waiting list, but they still can't offer a timeline.

"It’s been extremely difficult watching your grandparents go through this and there’s not much you can do," said Bartyik.

"In one word it’s just been completely overwhelming."

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Diese Mama zieht ihrem Baby beim Schlafen die krassesten Kostüme an


Das ist die Fotografin Laura Izumikawa und ihre vier Monate alte Tochter Joey Marie.

lauraiz / Via Instagram: @lauraiz

Die neue Mama hat BuzzFeed erzählt, dass sie einfach nicht aufhören konnte, ihrem Baby beim Schlafen zuzugucken - und da hatte sie einen Einfall.

"Joey hat tief geschlafen. Da habe ich beschlossen, sie ein bisschen zu dekorieren und witzige Bilder an meine Eltern und meine Freunde zu schicken."

lauraiz / Via Instagram: @lauraiz

Die Outfits hat Izukimawa mithilfe von Kram in ihrem Haus und Leihgaben ihrer Freunde zusammengestellt.

lauraiz / Via

Das erste richtige Kostüm hat Joey in die Sängerin Sia verwandelt. Komplett mit ihrem Markenzeichen, den Haaren im Gesicht.

Das erste richtige Kostüm hat Joey in die Sängerin Sia verwandelt. Komplett mit ihrem Markenzeichen, den Haaren im Gesicht.

lauraiz / Via

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from BuzzFeed - OMG Feed

Thursday, August 25, 2016

29 People Who Probably Had A Worse Summer Than You

BRB, slathering myself in SPF 100.

And even though these people can laugh now, there's no doubt that they were in pain at the time. Not to mention, sun damage can have long-term effects on your skin and health. So in addition to making you laugh and cringe, we hope this serves as a PSA for the many benefits of using sunscreen properly.

This Irish lad who had a mishap with spray sunscreen:

This Irish lad who had a mishap with spray sunscreen:

"15 minutes in the sun... Irish skin at its finest... "


This person who was apparently listening to lullabies on their iPod.

This person who was apparently listening to lullabies on their iPod.

"One day at the beach, I got worn out after playing in the water for a few hours and proceeded to take a nap… for two hours. When I woke up, my whole body was burnt except for where my iPod and headphone string were sitting on my stomach…"


This girl who looks like she put blush on in the dark:

This girl who looks like she put blush on in the dark:

"Absolutely no filter on this photo. This was taken in 2008, back when I thought going tanning twice in one day was a cool and sexy idea. I’m grimacing because it actually hurt to smile. You could have fried an egg on my face."


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