Sunday, August 28, 2016

Here's New "Beauty And The Beast" Live-Action Photos To Get You Excited

The Beast is…blond?

Back in May we got our first glimpse into what Emma Watson will look like as Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.

Back in May we got our first glimpse into what Emma Watson will look like as Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.

Walt Disney Pictures

And now? Well, we've got a few more characters to get excited about, thanks to newly released images.

We all remember The Beast, and that luscious auburn hair...

We all remember The Beast, and that luscious auburn hair...

Walt Disney Pictures

...In the live action version we've got Dan Stevens as Beast, but this time with blond locks.

...In the live action version we've got Dan Stevens as Beast, but this time with blond locks.

Missing the tinge of ginge, TBH, but I'll allow it.

Walt Disney Pictures

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