Sunday, August 28, 2016

13 Real Life Horror Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

You won’t sleep tonight or tomorrow night or the night after that. Just wave goodbye to your ability to sleep at all, really.

The Kissing Lady

The Kissing Lady

When I was little, I told my parents about a woman I would see in the bathroom at my house who I called the “Kissing Lady.” My mom thought it was just something my dad made up and vice versa. Eventually, they thought to ask one another about the story of the Kissing Lady and just about pissed themselves when they figured out that neither of them had made it up. I don’t remember her very well, but I do remember that she had long, dark hair and wore long dresses. That bathroom still gives me the creeps.

Submitted by Sebastián Gaspar.

(Another user asked Sebastián in the comments: “Why did you call her the “Kissing Lady”? He replied: "My mom asked when I was younger, and I told her, as though it were obvious, 'because she blows me kisses…'")

Bonciutoma / Getty Images

My Brother Wants To Play

My Brother Wants To Play

I really liked playing with Mega Bloks as a kid. I loved to build tall towers and then loved to smash them even more. One time, after tearing down one of my towers, I got bored and I went to ask my mom for permission to play outside. She said I could as soon as I went in and put away the blocks I left on the floor. I headed back towards my room, but when I got to the door, I looked in to see that my brother, who was a few years younger than me, was already picking up my blocks for me. He had turned the lights on, and was very focused on the task at hand. I went back and told my mom that my brother was taking care of it and she looked at me, then out the nearby open door for a moment before saying, “Your brother is outside playing.” I went back to my room and saw that nobody was there, the light was off, and the blocks were still scattered on the floor.

Submitted by Brenda Alejandra Dueñas.

Antonis Liokouras / Getty Images

He Came For A Visit

He Came For A Visit

I’ve suffered from sleep paralysis since I was 14 years old. If you’re not familiar, it’s a sensation of not being able to move (usually in bed) and being consciously aware of it. During one of my many episodes, I heard what sounded like someone entering my room, then felt them hugging me until my back began to hurt. I tried to get loose, but whatever was there got angry and growled at me. When I could finally move again, I had goosebumps all over my body and my back was in a lot of pain. I still have sleep paralysis, but I’ve never had a similar experience. I’ll never understand what it was that had a hold of me.

Submitted by Jesús Francisco León.

Thinkstock / Getty Images

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