Saturday, August 27, 2016

25 Facts That Will Destroy Your Worldview

Actually, make that your whole universe-view.

Let's start small... did you know that you can't hum when you hold your nose closed?

Let's start small... did you know that you can't hum when you hold your nose closed?

Go ahead. Try it.

Serdjophoto / Getty Images

Or that in France, people were still being executed by guillotine when Star Wars first premiered in movie theaters?

Or that in France, people were still being executed by guillotine when Star Wars first premiered in movie theaters?

Meaning: In 1977

Fotokon / Getty Images

How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

How about this: When the last mammoth finally died, the Great Pyramids were already 1,000 years old.

Aunt_spray / Getty Images

And Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of those Great Pyramids.

And Cleopatra lived closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of those Great Pyramids.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman / Via

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