Here's two things you need to know about the Samsung Galaxy Note7.
Number one, don't buy this phone. Ever. Whichever version.
Number two, if you already own a Galaxy Note7, turn it off right now. Then return it to the place of purchase as soon as possible and ask for a different phone as a replacement.
Not only because the original phone's battery was faulty, causing more than 90 instances of the phone spontaneously catching fire. Not only because Samsung's replacement devices — in at least five cases at this point — appear to be having the same/similar issue. Not only because AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have all halted replacement sales of the device over the weekend. And not even because of this report, which claims Samsung has stopped producing the phone. Read more...
More about Dead, Galaxy Note7, Samsung Galaxy Note7, Samsung, and Techfrom Tech
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