Saturday, October 8, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note7 is battered, but far from dead

Mention to someone that you're carrying a Samsung Galaxy Note7 today and they will likely make a joke, usually something to do with it possibly bursting into flames.

I'm holding a second generation Galaxy Note7 right now and, yes, was a little nervous when I turned it on and off a few times. It's fine, obviously, and while no one contests that dozens of Galaxy Note7 phablets did go up in smoke, Samsung moved about as quickly as possible to stop a successful product rollout in its tracks and retrieve all the potentially dangerous devices.

Last I heard, Samsung had retrieved 60% of the devices and, shortly thereafter, launched a system update that will nag owners until they stop using and turn over their Note7's.  Read more...

More about Smartphones, Smartphone, Note7, Galaxy Note7, and Samsung

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