Friday, September 30, 2016

You can now use the Samsung Galaxy Note7 on planes in India

India has lifted the ban on using the Samsung Galaxy Note7 during commercial flights.

Amid reports of explosive Note7 earlier this month, India's civil aviation authority, DGCA, had restricted users from turning-on or charging the Galaxy Note 7 when on a flight. They also barred flyers from putting the smartphone in their checked-in luggage.  

In its latest advisory, the DGCA also noted that it is lifting the ban only from units that have been purchased after Sept. 15.  

Earlier this month, Samsung said the battery cell on some of its Galaxy Note7 had a manufacturing defect, which was resulting in some of them overheating and in some cases, catching fire. The company halted sales of the phone in several markets and urged users to return the device and also announced a replacement program. India was among several nations that banned the use of Note7 in flights after the announcement. Read more...

More about India, Samsung Galaxy Note7, Galaxy Note 7, Samsung, and Tech

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