Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sorry guys. Foxtel will have 'Game of Thrones' practically forever.


There may only be 13 episodes left of Game of Thrones, but Foxtel has 'em in its rictus grip.

The Australia subscription TV provider has ensured it will remain the home of HBO shows in Australia in a new deal announced Tuesday.

Foxtel will continue to have right of first run and "on demand rights" for HBO content, it said in an emailed statement, giving it dibs on highly regarded shows including The Night Of, The Jinx, The Wire and VEEP. Not to mention your right to know if Jon Snow is actually you know who's son.

Game of Thrones was a smashing success for Foxtel, with the final episode of Season 6 apparently pulling in an overnight audience of 737,000. It was also, by all accounts, a smashing success for pirates, with Australians eagerly downloading the episode illegally online. Read more...

More about Game Of Thrones, Stan, Foxtel, Foxtel Play, and Netflix

from Tech http://ift.tt/2ccnpxq


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