Friday, September 30, 2016

Oculus updates Gear VR app after severe battery drain issues

Samsung’s Gear VR headset is one of the most accessible ways to experience virtual reality — but not when it kills your phone's battery. 

Oculus issued an app update Friday afternoon after Gear VR users complained about battery issues. The users reported that a previous version of the Oculus app — which powers Gear VR — drained their phone's battery in a matter of minutes. 

“Even on a charger was losing 1% batt every 30 seconds,” user Joshawa7 wrote an Oculus forum. 

Mashable reached out to Oculus for comment but did not immediately hear back. The company told Gizmodo that you do not need to uninstall the app to stop the battery problem. Their team has reportedly issued a fix that prompts people to update the Oculus app when they open it. If you don't see a prompt, your phone likely updated automatically.  Read more...

More about Gear Vr, Oculus, Samsung, Tech, and Gadgets

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