Friday, September 30, 2016

Angry customer casually smashes up iPhones in a French Apple Store

An angry French customer walked into an Apple Store in Dijon and, armed with a steel ball used in the bowling game pétanque, started smashing iPhones, iPads and MacBooks. 

The man, wearing sunglasses, appears in a video apparently taken by another puzzled customer in the store.

As other people try to stop him, the guy, believed to be in his thirties, shouts:

"Apple is a company that 'violated' European consumers' rights. They refused to reimburse me, I told them: 'Give me my money back'. They said no. So you know what's happening? This is happening!" - before wrecking another iPhone.  Read more...

More about France, French Customer, Iphones, Apple Store, and Tech

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