Thursday, September 22, 2016

9 apps that'll help you make a positive impact on the world every day

Want to save the world? There's an app for that.

In Australia alone, there's a bunch apps developed specifically to transform your in-phone behaviour into practical benefits for society. 

From advice on ethical groceries, to using your phone to help fund cancer while you sleep, these nine apps have got you covered when it comes to lending a hand.

1Shout For Good

Shout For Good is an app that gives turns your literal change into social change. Self-described as a "micro donation platform," the app allows users to donate a specific amount of money on top of purchases for things like movie tickets or cup of coffee — to a nonprofit organisation of their choice. Read more...

More about Everyday Racism, Appreciate A Mate, Shout For Good, Social Good, and Australia

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