Friday, August 26, 2016

Will VR ever be mainstream or will it remain a niche?

On this week's episode of MashTalk, the Mashable Tech team talks about a wide range of things happening in the tech world from Android to VR to McDonald's (yes, Mickey D's) to Apple CEO Tim Cook.

I'm joined this week by our Chief Correspondent Lance Ulanoff and for the first time by our tech analyst and editor Adario Strange. It's my first time manning our podcast and I somehow didn't mess it all up!

First up is Google's newly-released Android 7.0 Nougat (2:03), which is now available for Nexus phones and tablets. Nougat's not a complete revamp, but more about inner beauty. We also discuss Android fragmentation and why Android phones that aren't in the Nexus family are so slow to get updates. Read more...

More about Happy Meal, Fitness, Wearables, Mcdonalds, and Tim Cook

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