Thursday, August 25, 2016

Apple releases iOS 9.3.5 to prevent spyware from tracking all your data

You can never have too much security.

Apple released iOS 9.3.5 with yet another "important security update for your iPhone or iPad" on Thursday. The update is available for iPhone 4S and later and iPad 2 and later and iPod touch (fifth-generation) and later.

The update is the second security patch pushed out in AugustiOS 9.3.4 was released earlier this month.

According to Apple's security update page detailing changes in iOS 9.3.5, the update mainly closes up a few security holes that could be exploited by nefarious hackers and prevents them from running "arbitrary code with kernel privileges." Read more...

More about Security Holes, Exploit, Spyware, Ios, and Software Updates

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