Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Film Your Life Like a First-Person Shooter With This Autonomous Drone


Many gamers have fantasized about seeing the first-person, top-down view shown in many video games in real-life. Now a new autonomous camera drone promises to deliver just that

Created by a team from France, the Hexo+ allows you to record yourself from the vantage point of an aerial drone that follows you as you move through the world. If the video game analogy doesn't work for you, think of it as a kind of super selfie machine.

In the device's demonstration video, team member Xavier De Le Rue, a professional snowboarder, says that part of the inspiration for the project came from a desire to be able to shoot better action sports scenes. But it only takes a few minutes of viewing the footage to realize that the Hexo+ could be harnessed for a wide array of situations beyond sports. Read more...

More about Robots, Kickstarter, Indie Filmmaking, Gopro, and Autonomous Flight

from Tech http://ift.tt/1nNVTCD



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